Payments are due on the 1st of each month. Payment must be made by no later than the 10th of each month. Late payment will require a penalty fee of 10% of the rent on the 11th of the month.
Deliver payments to: 2095 Hilltop Drive, Redding
- Make checks payable to: S & J Campbell Properties, LLC
- Drop-Box (checks, money orders, cashiers check). No cash.
- Cash payments – (during office hours only) 9:00am – 4:00pm Monday – Friday. (Please retain receipt)
- Do not leave cash payments in the Drop-Box.
Payments by mail to: Campbell Properties, P.O. Box 493985, Redding, CA 96049
- Make payments payable to: S & J Campbell Properties, LLC
- Send checks, money orders, cashiers check) No cash
- Cash payments can only be made in person to 2095 Hilltop Dr., Redding during business hours 9:00am – 4:00pm Monday – Friday. (Please retain receipt)
Campbell Properties
Campbell Properties is a diversified investment and real estate holding company. We specialize in development projects, investments and management of our properties, which include commercial/industrial, self-storage, multi-family and residential property.